Mamba Mentality #Blog
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June 7, 2019Nipsey Hussle – A Man Ahead of His Time
On the past 31st of March Nipsey Hussle left us. But with his departure remains a legacy that will last forever.
For those who are not so familiar with the Hip Hop culture, Joseph Asghedom Ermias aka Nipsey Hussle appears on the music scene in 2005 with the mixtape Slauson Boy Volume 1. Thru strong lyrics, lots of character and an assumed connection to the gang culture of Los Angeles, Hussle would become in the following years a central figure of the Rap game, reaching his peak with the nomination for a Grammy in 2019.
But apart from his musical success Nipsey was much more than a rapper that talked about cars, women and money (even though I don’t have nothing against it):
He was a visionary. He understood that the record companies made too much money with the musicians and in this sense always encouraged the other artists to be independent entrepreneurs, giving use to the various musical platforms as a way to commercialize their music.
He was a marketeer. At the release of his mixtape Crenshaw, he edited 1000 copies in physical format that would be put up for sale for 100$. Crazy? Perhaps! The reality is that in less than 24 hours they were all sold. Taking advantage of his buzz he created the “Crenshaw” brand (in honor of the neighborhood where he was raised), which would later give place to the “Marathon Clothing”.
He was a poet. The lyrics he wrote were extremely visual and descriptive, allowing us to dive into his reality. Eclectic in the themes he addressed, he was able to touch a diverse crowd: from the African American to European urban kid. Still up to this day it’s almost impossible to listen to a full album and don’t want to change the world.
He was a leader. He did a lot of work for his community – located in a disadvantaged area of Los Angeles – creating common working spaces, openly talking about the harms associated with the gang world, but above all by setting an example and improving everyone around him. Has a firm believer in the power of words, Nipsey Hussle used his music to motivate and show the way.
Personally, Hussle had a tremendous impact in my life. During my youth he was always present when I wanted to smile, cry, dance or just exist, always knowing how to choose the right words at the right time. Several years later he continues to be a huge influence in my life and whenever I can, I infiltrate one of his quotes in my articles or presentations.
Unfortunately he left … But thanks to the music his ideas will never vanish. The major outcome that I take from him is that life is not a sprint but a marathon! Therefore, it is up to us to pick up the torch where he left it and go for it. The marathon never stops, the marathon continues!